From The Editor | February 24, 2017

4 Steps To Marketing Automation Success


By Travis Kennedy

Marketing automation platforms are everywhere.  Sales pitches for this type of solution system are sexy and incredibly difficult to say “no” to when viewed in the paradigm of creating a yellow brick road for prospects.

Is your business in search of more impactful ways to gain the attention of prospects?  Of course, EVERY manufacturer in the water and wastewater market is (always).  Almost 100,000 companies are using just the top 10 marketing automation platforms alone, and there are literally hundreds to choose from in 2017. 

Recently, a research-based, demand-generation company named Ascend2 surveyed over 50,000 professionals to understand the top challenges they face when it comes to marketing automation.  Answers ranged from lack of knowledgeable staff, robust rollout requirements and complicated operating systems, all of which would mirror the concerns I hear from the water and wastewater equipment manufacturing industry.

With all of that said, here are four steps you should be thinking about to make sure marketing automation works for your company:

1. Have a strategy and don’t leave it to amateurs to implement. By “amateur” I mean anyone without proper experience in rolling out a marketing automation program. This is the most important step in the entire process and should be handled only by a marketing automation professional. This professional should be able to plan the implementation as a direct tie in to your identified outcomes and strategies.  Keep in mind that according to the Acend2 study, “lack of an effective strategy” is the most significant barrier to marketing automation success. Number 2 ... “Complexity of the system.” Hire a professional.

2. You’re going to need a team.  This isn’t something you can just put into place, cross your fingers and hope it works. There is too much investment at stake and plus, that’s not how marketing automation is designed to work. You need a team to keep it running and make sure you realize a solid return on your investment. 

So who should be considered for that team? For starters you’ll need the professional I mentioned earlier to help with the implementation and stay involved after it is in full swing. You will also need the person within your organization that is most familiar with your current CRM system. Without a doubt you will need your marketing personnel but do not leave your sales managers out of the loop either.A point person from your sales team is imperative not just for the program’s success but for planning purposes as well.

3. Map your customer’s journey. This is where your sales team is invaluable. Who knows HOW your customers research and buy better than your sales team?  USE THE KNOWLEDGE!  This information and input will also help you identify what metrics you will want to have documented.

4. If marketing automation is going to work you’ll need fuel to make it go.  The two most important fuel sources are lead generation tactics and of course … CONTENT.  Without content how else can you get prospects and customers engaged in your message.  Remember though, when I say content, I mean educational vendor-agnostic content and not self-promotional sales assets.  For more detail on this distinction, check out The Big Misunderstanding.